IEEE Copyright Form
IEEE Copyright Form (48KB)
Notice of your signed copyright before you email or fax to Dr.Dongming Fang:
Please be sure that your IEEE Copyright Form is the same as the copyright form here. If not, please download the right IEEE Copyright Form above.
Please do NOT delete any word or change it colorful of the IEEE Copyright Form.
Please fill in the paper number on the top right corner, fill in the title of your paper and fill in complete list of authors on the copyright.
Please sign your ENGLISH name on the copyright. Printed name is NOT permitted.
Please fill in all the necessary information (paper number, title of the paper, complete list of authors, date) and sign your name with black ink, not blue or other color ink on the copyright.
Please check if it is necessary for you to sign your name on line (2) or on line (3). Usually, you can ONLY sign your name on line (1) on the copyright.
Please keep in mind NO graffito on the copyright.
Before email or fax to Dr. Dongming Fang, please check your signed copyright and make sure it is ok.
When email to Dr. Dongming Fang, please with the email title of ‘Copyright for paper #paper number’, and do NOT forget to attach your right signed copyright.
If your email with attachment of the signed copyright was retreated. We apologize for the inconvenience to you because many authors email or fax their copyrights at the same time. Please try again to email or fax your signed copyright.
Dr. Dongming Fang will reply every email he received. If your signed copyright is OK, he would say in his email “Look forward to seeing you in Beijing.” Otherwise, he will reply to you, pointing out where your signed copyright is wrong, and ask you to email your revised copyright to Dr. Dongming Fang.
Dr. Dongming Fang
Fax: +86-10-5888-7553
Email: [email protected]