Prof. Hiroyuki Fujita
Plenary Abstract
Hiroyuki Fujita received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan in 1975, 1977 and 1980, respectively.
He has been Deputy Director of the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo since 2009, and also Director of the Center for International Research on Micro/nano Mechatronics since 2000. He has been a Professor (1993-present), an Associate Professor (1981-1993), and a Lecturer (1980-1981) with the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo. He also serves as a Project Sub-Leader of BEANS (bio electromechanical autonomous nano systems) project including 16 companies, 9 universities, 2 national research institutes and 4 public organizations.
He is currently engaged in the investigation of micro and nano electromechanical systems fabricated by IC-based processes and applications to bio and nano technology. He is also interested in autonomous distributed microsystems made by MEMS technology.
1986 |
M. Hetenyi Award of Experimental Mechanics from the Society for Experimental
Mechanics. |
1997 |
The Ichimura Prizes in Industry - Meritorious Achievement Prize - |
2000 |
The Hoko-sho Prize from the Foundation "Hattori-Hokokai" |
2001 |
Chevalier de l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques from Government of France |
2005 |
The Prize for Science and Technology -Research Category from Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
2005 |
Outstanding Achievement Award from The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan |
2005 |
Docteur Honoris Causa from Ēcole Normale Supērieure de Cachan,France |
2007 |
Advancement Award from The FUNAI Foundation for Information Technology |