Course B-2 (2:00 pm -5:00 pm, June 5, 2011)
TSV/3D Integration Technology and Its Applications to MEMS Packaging
TSV/3D integration technology shows many advantages such as better electrical performance, smaller form factor, easier for heterogeneous integration and even lower manufacturing cost as compared to conventional interconnect technologies. During the past several years, many TSV-related R&D works have been conducted worldwide. The TSV/3D integration technology is expected to be applied to many products from consumer electronics to wireless modules, from MEMS sensors to biomedical devices, from aerospace components to automotive electronics. In this short course, the background and development status of the TSV/3D integration technology will be introduced. The course then focuses on the applications of TSV/3D integration technology in MEMS packaging and key enabling TSV/3D integration technologies for MEMS product applications. The course outline is as below.
- Motivation of TSV/3D integration technology
- Development status of TSV/3D integration technology
- Applications of TSV/3D integration on MEMS related products
- Market forecast of TSV/3D integration based MEMS products
- Key TSV/3D integration enabling technologies for MEMS applications
- Key technology challenges & potential solutions
- Conclusions
Biography: Dr. Daniel SHI is currently R&D Director with Applied Science & Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), Hong Kong. Before ASTRI, Dr. SHI worked at City University, Gintic, Philips and Intel in the areas of microelectronics, optoelectronics and MEMS packaging for about 20 years. Dr. Shi has published more than 120 international journal and conference papers. He has filed / granted 12 US patents. His current research interests are 3D wafer level packaging, TSV and 3D-IC device.